Our Vision
We are a multi-age community of learners, each with individual strengths and areas of need, engaged together in exploration and discovery of the world. The Birch School is a welcoming learning center, with resources, connections, and opportunities. Learning happens individually, in small groups, and in large groups. At The Birch School, students look forward to school each day and their learning blurs the boundaries between school and home.
With gentle guidance from trained, caring teachers and coaches, children are encouraged to discover their inner passions and develop their creative imaginations.
Our school community provides opportunities for students to learn at their own pace, both individually, and in groups. The mixed-age setting allows students to learn with others at the same learning level. We meet together regularly as a school community. By means of our “talking stick circle” we include everyone in discussions and decisions. By participating in small and large groups, students learn to listen carefully, and express themselves clearly. By working together, students learn positive problem solving skills. We encourage students to take responsibility for themselves, and we empower them to engage wholly with learning.
Because we are a child-centered learning community our curriculum arises from the common needs and interests of the students. Our role as teachers, coaches, mentors, is to listen to the students, encourage them to be self-reflective and communicate clearly, and work to reveal their passions and goals. Teachers ensure that learning goals and activities address needs in all subject areas and disciplines, and that work is aligned with the NYS core learning standards.
We strongly believe in the inherent curiosity of young people, and seek to support and encourage them seek out their interests.