Part Time School

Afternoon Options…

It’s About Learning
We offer a teacher-facilitated learning program Monday through Thursday. Friday morning we have our all-school meeting online, and then students go to their advisory meetings. In addition, every student is assigned individual work to be completed on Friday.
See the Program Options page for more information on available program components. Parents and teachers can choose the components to create a program that is “just right” for each student.
The morning component of the program provides learning experiences in the core subjects – English Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Science. Our program also covers executive functioning and study skills, mindfulness, digital citizenship.
Classes are held on a rotating schedule, and are led by teachers in real-time. Students participate in-person and meet in classrooms with teachers.
It’s About Relationships.
At Birch we know that Relationships are the foundation of successful learning. We strive to create an atmosphere were students trust teachers and their peers. We offer structured opportunities for students to express themselves and work together, as well as develop relationships across age and grade level. It is with great intention we include students in decision-making and school-wide planning, as well as facilitate and model kindness and respect. We find this type of multi-age, inclusive, cooperative community supports kids to learn and grow in safety and comfort.
Our classes are designed to offer learning experiences in a variety of learning styles. Teacher and student time together online is used to interact and communicate together, contributing to a sense of community and mutual support. This environment is critical in providing the support and safety students need to take risks and be willing to make mistakes. At Birch we embrace failure as part of the process. We like to say “If you aren’t making mistakes you aren’t learning”.